Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Unit 5: A Citizen Devoted to the Republic

Authors bio: author- Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) he was born in France in a middle class family. From a young age napoleon knew he wanted to be a military leader. He is considered on of the world greats military leaders.  He went to the military college of Brienne for five years and then the military academy in Paris. He wanted to take over Europe and had aspirations for the world.

Date/context: This was a speech given on nov 10 1799. He was addressing the people of France to explain his role in the overthrow of the directory and the establishment of the consulate. He had just became the leader of the consulate and wanted to make sure he had the support of the people.

Summary: He explains that he found a broken France when he came back from his Egyptian campaign. He says that all the parties wanted his support but the good leader he is said that he does not want to be confined to a party. The council of elders came to him to remove the legislative bod. They gave him the authority to do what is necessary to remove them. He thought it was his duty to France to accept the command. The council assembled at Saint Cloud and the republican troops were there for security but on the inside of the council of 500 there were assassins yelling death threats.  The meeting was disorganized. He went out in front of them to assure them the execution of the new plan. He went out unarmed and alone and assured the council of elders of it power. Some assassins attacked him but his soldiers stopped them but one did get hurt. The assassins tried to threaten the president to outlaw him. He he rescued him from the attacks. They cleared out the trouble makers and the new proposal was deliberated. Then he just tried to make them see him as a good guy.

Key quotes: 
"It was a fierce cry of assassins against the power destine to repress them."

"Frenchmen, you will doubtless recognize in this conduct the zeal of a soldier of liberty, a citizen devoted to the republic."

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