Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Understanding the French Revolution - Thesis & Medium

As you prepare your unit 5 project, you need to keep the "Big Picture" in mind.  In short, you must have a guiding thesis statement to tie your project together.  In a comment to this post, please identify your choice medium and your thesis statement.  If you are working with a partner, make sure to include your partner's name on the comment.

Example Comment:
Medium - Poem
Partner - Mrs. Kozel
Thesis - The social, political, and economic impacts of the Industrial Revolution shaped 19th century Europe and contributed to a new world order.


  1. Medium: Prezi
    Partner: Trevor
    Thesis: The French Revolution represented a dramatic shift of philosophical thought into the real and entrenched governmental systems of Europe.

  2. Medium:Prezi
    Thesis:The French Revolution had many key events that created lasting economic, political, and social impacts on France and Europe.

  3. Medium: Infographic
    Partner: John Seipp
    Thesis: The social, political, and economic impacts of the French Revolution led to the rise of the dictator Napoleon Bonparte.

  4. The French Revolution contributed to the changing world socially, economically and politically by ending absolutism and creating the French Republic.

    Medium- info graphic and timeline

  5. Medium-Prezi
    Thesis Statement- The French Revolution provided a platform for modern thinking through social, political, and economic changes.

  6. Medium: Prezi
    Partner: Kelly
    Thesis: Through social, economic, and political changes, the Enlightenment and the French Revolution shaped Europe into the country it is today.

    1. You may want to take out the Enlightenment as part of your thesis (you can still use it as a detail to support your position...). Europe is a continent - will you really be addressing the present?

  7. Medium: Poem

    The social, political, and religious impacts of the French Revolution shaped 18th and 19th century France and established a government that helped the people, but also kept the interests of the nobles in mind.

  8. Medium: prezi
    The French Revolution during the Enlightenment created a movement of social, economic, and political change that shaped France as a new nation.

    1. The French Revolution and the Enlightenment are generally considered to be two separate eras.

  9. Medium: graphic novel

    The French Revolution was a period of strife and turmoil and its only lasting outcome was the replacement of one autocrat with another.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Medium: prezi
    Partner: Brendan
    Thesis: The French Revolution had strong influences on progressive political ideals, reforms of the Catholic Church, and the framework for citizen rights.

  12. Medium: Prezi
    Partner: Madison Stump
    Thesis: The french revolution was caused by the downfall of the french monarchy and economic depression which resulted in political change that influenced the future of France, and the entire world.

    1. Didn't the French Revolution cause the downfall of the monarchy? Will you really be addressing the entire world?

  13. Medium- Prezi
    Partner- Jason R.
    Thesis- The social, economic, and political changes influenced the course of the French Revolution and helped construct the new ideas that created France to be seen as a leading power

    1. Didn't the revolution ultimately lead to a decline in France's power & influence?

  14. Medium: prezi
    Thesis: The social, political, and economic affects of the French Revolution brought about permanent changes on France that are still seen today.

    1. Will you really be addressing the present state of France?

  15. Meduim: infograpic/timeline

    Thesis: The Terror and the rise and fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety.


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